Clinical Trials2022-12-12T09:43:43+00:00
  • Get Certified Today!

    Do you need an MPG certificate to carry out clinical trials with medical devices? Would you like to deepen your knowledge? This Mastertrial MPG/GCP course is all online and is recognized by the Berlin Medical Association (CME). This Refresher Course offers the following accredited training course for principal examiners, examiners and members of the examination group. Download the MPG courses brochure
  • Get Certified Today!

    Do you need an upgrade to MDR, MPDG and ISO 14155:2020 to your existing MPG certificate to continue or start your medical device trials? Would you like to deepen your knowledge? This Mastertrial MPDG/MDR update course is all online and is recognized by the Berlin Medical Association as CME continued education. Download the MDR/MPDG Update Course Brochure
  • In this training, you will learn what IDE means, and how to prepare and submit your application to the FDA.
  • Sale!

    Clinical Trials for Medical Devices in Europe – Complete Training Program

    Original price was: $1,074.00.Current price is: $1,020.30.
    This course will help you to discover new definitions and types of trials as well as the main actors involved, specifically sponsor, investigator and subject. You will also learn about conditions, ethical principles, methods and the informed consent process and develop a better understanding of the new coordinated assessment. You will also gain key knowledge regarding substantial changes, temporary halt, and termination as well as adverse event reporting.
  • LEARN FOR FREE This exclusive educational event is reserved to selected Meditrial customers and Meditrial’s staff. With COVID 19, medical device companies are facing increasing complexity to conduct their clinical trials in the US.

Clinical Trials in Europe and the US

Stay up to date with the latest in MPG requirements


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