MPG Grundlagenkurs


Get Certified Today!

Do you need an MPG certificate to carry out clinical trials with medical devices? Would you like to deepen your knowledge? This Mastertrial MPG/GCP course is all online and is recognized by the Berlin Medical Association (CME). This Basic Course offers the following accredited training course for principal examiners, examiners and members of the examination group.

Download the MPG courses brochure

  • Course Type: Video Lessons
  • Language: German
  • Level: Advanced
  • Session: year 2020
  • Time: 10+ Hours

Course Breakdown

Section Time
Introduction 00:06:00
Module 1 – Ethical basics 00:32:00
Module 2 – Legal basics 00:4100
Module 3 – Methodological basics 00:36:00
Module 4 – Informed consent 00:38:00
Module 5 – Regular implementation 00:50:00
Module 4 & 5 – Practical exercises 00:05:00
Module 5 – GCP compliant changes 00:03:00
Module 6 – Adverse events and safety 00:34:00
Module 6 – Practical exercises 00:05:00

Exam and Certifications

  • Module 1 Test – Ethical basics
  • Module 2 Test – Legal basics
  • Module 3 Test – Methodological basics
  • Module 4 Test – Informed consent
  • Module 5 Test – Regular implementation
  • Module 6 Test – Adverse events and safety
  • Certification


What I will learn?

This course will give you the relevant knowledge on the German legislation and international standards concerning clinical trials with medical devices based on the recommendations of the German Medical Association. Based on practical examples you will learn how to conduct a clinical trial in a compliant and efficient manner.

How will I be trained?

  • 6 theoretical modules with video presentations (approx. 4 Hours)
  • 2 practice-oriented modules with video presentations and Practice questions (approx. 2 hours)
  • Self-study based on the additional Course material (depending on previous knowledge approx. 8-9 Hours)
  • Learning success control approx. 3 hours
  • Flexible in terms of time because the modules are processed individually

MPG Grundlagenkurs Brochure


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